Yearly Archives: 2016

CentOS 6.4 Install & Configure Basic BIND DNS

If you followed my recent article on creating a CentOS 6.4 Email Gateway, you may encounter an issue with the with the Spam Report section with Spamassassin. The error is: ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE: The query to URIBL was blocked. See\#dnsbl-block for more information. After researching the error it turns out that because we use a…
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CentOS 6.4 Email Gateway (Part 7)

Now we'll install MailWatch with the web GUI for MailScanner. Let's begin. Open Putty and enter: yum install php-gd php-mysql -y Edit the /etc/php.ini file and ensure each variable below is set with these values: short_open_tag = On safe_mode = Off register_globals = Off magic_quotes_gpc = On magic_quotes_runtime = Off session.auto_start = 0 Save and…
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