Today I'm going to show you how to install Let's Encrypt on CentOS 7. Before we begin I am assuming you have CentOS fully patched, have the EPEL Repository installed, have installed and configured Apache and that Apache is running. You also will need to ensure that you have allowed HTTP and HTTPS traffic through…
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Can’t Remove Exchange 2010 Auto Mapped User Shared Mailbox from Outlook
Just a quick post in the hope this saves someone the time I spent today trying to resolve this issue. I came across a problem today with a user support request where they had Full Access permission to another users mailbox and trying to remove that mailbox after the Full Access was revoked. The other…
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Windows Server 2016 Force Updates From Command Line
This is just a quick post to outline that Windows 2016 and Windows 10 uses UsoClient.exe which is a totally new approach from the Wuauclt.exe days of Window 2008/Windows 7 for Windows updates from the command line. The following outlines the various switches that can download, install and check for updates. Open a command prompt…
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Working with User Profile Disks
If you've setup User Profile Disks with your remote desktop deployment, what I'm about to show you will be a life saver. I grappled with this for a while trying to find the best method to both Compact and Expand a VHDX file. This will work with any VHD or VHDX file irrespective of whether…
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