What We Do

Depositphotos_27662389_originalMatrix 7 is a company that provides professional IT support in Canberra. We are highly experienced in delivering cutting edge and cost effective network, cloud and support services to our clients.

Cloud Services
Matrix 7 offers a range of customisable support and cloud solutions to cater for businesses both large and small. We can customise and tailor IT solutions with a view to the future and your growing business.

We can deliver Office 365, cloud based Virtual Machines, Remote Desktop and cloud backup all under the one roof. We are a total cloud solutions provider.

Consulting Services
We cater for projects both large and small and experienced consultants can help you design, scope and implement business technology. Our philosophy is to work closely with our clients to obtain the best most cost effective solution possible.

We can assist in all aspects of the project of works from inital scope out all the way to procurement and implementation.

Hardware & Software
We can supply and implement a wide range of Hardware and Software from the world's leading IT companies. Microsoft, HP, Fujitsu and Mikrotik are but a few of the vendors we distribute and deliver.

IT Support
Matrix 7's major focus is delivering world class IT Support and Help Desk facilities to our clients. We offer customisable support plans designed for any sized business giving you access to our support team based on your requirements.

Managed Services
Allowing Matrix 7 to manage your IT systems relieves you of the burden of the constant monitoring and problem resolution to enable you and your staff to concentrate on your business. We will get your IT working for you, not against you.

We can manage your servers, PC's, web hosting, security and more. Please use the Contact Us page to get in touch...

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